Xilamuren is a small town in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia to the north of Hohhot.
In Xilamuren, there are large yurt encampments that primarily cater to Chinese tourists. There is also a small town with basic amenities. The yurt experience may not be the "authentic" yurt experience you are looking for but can still be a good time.
Get in
By Bus
There are buses from Hohhot at the main bus station near the central train station. ~¥25
Get around
There are many ATVs to rent and horses can be rented. Half hour on an ATV cost ¥60 in 2017.
The vast grasslands
Ride horses, ride ATVs, watch shows at night, drink milk tea in yurts
Most yurt encampments will have food options but it can be expensive so bring snacks. ~¥120 Dinner for 3 with beer (2017)
Most camps will have drinks (cold beer). Baijou can be found in the town.
Many yurt camps are available. There will be many touts waiting to greet you at the entrance of Xilamuren. Yurt rates vary from ¥60 to ¥200 (2017). The yurts are basic with a table in the middle to eat. They will bring out blankets and rice pillows after dinner.
Go next
Back to Hohhot by bus from the main road ~¥20 per person. Taxis will try to offer you rides for faster return.